Property | Description | Default |
---| | Cache expiration time for name in milleseconds. | see How to configure Openfire's caches |
| | Cache size for name in bytes | see How to configure Openfire's caches |
locale.timeZone | The timezone for your locale |
dnsutil.dnsOverride | (!! [JM-711\ |]) Internal DNS that allows to specify target IP addresses and ports to use for domains. Sample values for the property (make sure to insert no space characters!): {,} {,},{,} |
flash.crossdomain.enabled | Boolean for if the flash cross domain server is enabled (new in OF 3.6.5) | true |
flash.crossdomain.port | Integer for the port number to listen on for crossdomain requests (new in OF 3.6.5) | 5229 |
hazelcast.config.xml.filename | Name of the Hazelcast configuration file. By overriding this value you can easily install a custom cluster configuration file in the Hazelcast plugin /classes/ directory, or in the classpath of your own custom plugin. | hazelcast-cache-config.xml |
hazelcast.max.execution.seconds | Maximum time to wait when running a synchronous task across members of the cluster. | 30 |
hazelcast.startup.delay.seconds | Number of seconds to wait before launching the Hazelcast plugin. This allows Openfire to deploy any other plugins before initializing the cluster caches, etc. | 5 |
hazelcast.startup.retry.count | Number of times to retry initialization if the cluster fails to start on the first attempt. | 1 |
hazelcast.startup.retry.seconds | Number of seconds to wait between subsequent attempts to start the cluster. | 10 |
ldap.override.avatar | When enabled allows users to changer/add an avatar openfire servers bound to LDAP that do not have an LDAP defined avatar. The Property Values are true or false. | true |
mail.debug | Enable debugging for mail. |
| | The SMTP Hostname to use |
mail.smtp.password | The SMTP Password to use when using SMTP Auth |
mail.smtp.port | The port to use for SMTP | 25 |
mail.smtp.ssl | Enable SSL for smtp | false |
mail.smtp.username | The SMTP Username to use when using SMTP Auth |
mediaproxy.enabled | The value "false" if the Openfire media proxy should not be enabled. The media proxy allows Jingle clients to communicate when peer to peer connections fail (such as when behind a strict firewall). | true (a null value means true) |
mediaproxy.idleTimeout | The maximum amount of time (in milleseconds) to wait before a media proxy session is closed when there is no activity. | 90000 |
mediaproxy.portMin | The minimum port value that the media proxy will use for UDP client connections. The port range must be large enough to handle as many client connections as will occur. | 10000 |
mediaproxy.portMax | The maximum port value that the media proxy will use for UDP client connections. The port range must be large enough to handle as many client connections as will occur. | 20000 |
passwordKey | Key used to decrypt Blowfish encrypted passwords in 'ofUser.encryptedPassword' (when user.usePlainPassword is set to false) | randomly generated when detected as null |
plugins.upload.enabled | Enables the ability to upload plugins from the admin interface. | true |
register.inband | Allow inband registration | true |
register.password | Allow inband password changes | true |
route.all-resources | Enable routing of messages to base JID to every client logged in with the same base JID (different resources) and the same (highest) priority | false |
rss.enabled | Enable or disable the RSS feed in the admin console | true |
shutdownMessage.enabled | If true, send a shutdown message to all connected users before terminating the server |
update.lastCheck | Keep track of the last time we checked for updates. Don't edit this value. |
| | Sets the host of the proxy to use to connect to or 'null' if no proxy is used. |
update.proxy.port | Sets the port of the proxy to use to connect to or \-1 if no proxy is being used. |
user.usePlainPassword | Sets wether the password for users is stored in the database in plaintext format in the ofUser.plainPassword column, or encrypted using the Blowfish algorithm in the ofUser.encryptedPassword column, using the key found in the "passwordKey" property. | false |
| | Turn on packet auditing |
xmpp.audit.ignore | A comma seperated list of users to ignore when auditing packets |
| | If true, audit ip packets |
xmpp.audit.logdir | The directory to put the audit file in |
xmpp.audit.logtimeout | TODO |
xmpp.audit.maxcount | TODO |
xmpp.audit.maxsize | TODO |
xmpp.audit.message | If true, audit message packets |
xmpp.audit.presence | If true, audit presence packets |
xmpp.audit.xpath | TODO |
xmpp.auth.anonymous | True if anonymous authentication is allowed |
xmpp.auth.retries | Number of failed authentication attempts allowed. | 3 |
xmpp.client.compression.policy | TODO |
xmpp.client.idle | Time in millesconds to disconnect an idle client. Use -1 to disable. | 6 * 60 * 1000 (thanks Keehong) |
xmpp.client.login.allowed | A comma seperated list of IP addresses clients are allowed to log in from |
| | Enables the roster for clients. If false, it is not possible to retrieve users rosters or broadcast presence packets to roster contacts. |
xmpp.client.tls.policy | TODO |
| | If true, validate the hostname in the stream header sent by clients. |
xmpp.command.limit | TODO |
xmpp.command.timeout | TODO |
xmpp.component.defaultSecret | TODO |
xmpp.component.permission | TODO |
| | TODO |
xmpp.component.socket.port | TODO |
xmpp.domain | The name of the server | |
xmpp.forward.admins | TODO |
xmpp.muc.create.anyone | Permission policy for creating rooms. Set to false to allow anyone to create rooms, true to restrict to jids listed in xmpp.muc.create.jid. Note: The meaning is reversed:-) | false |
xmpp.muc.create.jid | List of JIDs that are allowed to create a MUC room. |
| | Checks if the room may be included in search results. | true |
xmpp.muc.enabled | Set this to false to disable MUC / conference. Requires server restart. (looks like it doesnt work on 3.6.4 - wroot) | true |
xmpp.muc.history.maxNumber | The maximum number of chat history messages stored for the room. | 25 |
xmpp.muc.history.type | Set history strategy type. Valid values: defaulType, none, all, number | number |
xmpp.muc.service | Host name of MUC service. Requires server restart. | conference |
xmpp.muc.skipInvite | (3.7.0+) Disable the auto invitation of newly added members to a MUC chatroom's access control list. | false |
xmpp.muc.sysadmin.jid | Load the list of JIDs that are system admins of the MUC service. |
xmpp.muc.tasks.log.batchsize | The number of messages to log on each run of the logging process. | 50 |
xmpp.muc.tasks.log.timeout | The number of milliseconds to elapse between logging of room conversations. | 300000 |
xmpp.muc.tasks.user.idle | The number of milliseconds a user must be idle before he/she gets kicked from all the rooms. | -1 |
xmpp.muc.tasks.user.timeout | The number of milliseconds before clearing of idle chat users. | 300000 |
xmpp.muc.unload.empty_days | The server will unload from memory persistent rooms that have been empty for 30 (default) days. The room will still exist in the database and users may still join. The only consequence is that it won't appear in the discovery list. This option is valid for prior 3.6.0 versions only. As 3.6.0 has introduced multiple conference services. | 30 |
xmpp.offline.quota | How many messages to store before bouncing or dropping as per xmpp.offline.type | 100 * 1024 messages? |
xmpp.offline.type | Controls the strategy for handling messages to offline users: - bounce: All messages are bounced to the sender. - drop: All messages are silently dropped. - store: All messages are stored - store_and_bounce: Messages are stored up to the storage limit, and then bounced. - store_and_drop: Messages are stored up to the storage limit, and then silently dropped. | store_and_bounce |
xmpp.parser.buffer.size | since 3.5.2 / JM-1350: XMLLightweightParser allows N Bytes of buffered data before closing a potential dangerous connection to avoid an Out-Of-Memory error. | 1048576 |
xmpp.privateStorageEnabled | TODO |
xmpp.proxy.enabled | TODO |
xmpp.proxy.externalip | Some servers are setup to use DNS SRV records. In that case, their domain may not the actual server address. For example, the DNS SRV record for could point to a server at This will affect non XMPP traffic like the file proxy transfer service, since the proxy service can't give out the normal XMPP domain name and have that work. When this property is set, the file transfer proxy service will advertise the given IP address rather than the XMPP server domain. |
xmpp.proxy.port | TODO |
xmpp.proxy.service | TODO |
xmpp.pubsub.create.anyone | Determines if anyone can create nodes |
xmpp.pubsub.create.jid | List of JID's of those that are allowed to create nodes |
xmpp.pubsub.enabled | since 3.5.0 / JM-1262: Disable pubsub by setting this value to false | true |
xmpp.pubsub.multiple-subscriptions | Turns the ability to have multiple subscriptions to a node on/off | true |
xmpp.pubsub.root.creator | Specifies the JID of the root node creator |
xmpp.pubsub.root.nodeID | Specifies the id of the root collection node |
xmpp.pubsub.service | The pubsub service name | pubsub |
xmpp.pubsub.sysadmin.jid | Sets the specified JID's as pubsub admins |
xmpp.pubsub.flush.timer | The time delay (in seconds) between flushing of the published items cache to persistent storage. | 120 (seconds) |
xmpp.pubsub.flush.max | The maximum number of items the published items cache will hold before it flushes itelf to persistent storage. | 1000 | |
xmpp.pubsub.fetch.max | The maximum number of items that a get items operations on a node will return. Openfire doesn't support Result Sets in pubsub yet, so making this number too large will cause memory and performance issues. | 2000 |
xmpp.pubsub.purge.timer | The time delay (in seconds) to purge stale data from the database. | 300 (seconds) |
xmpp.server.certificate.accept-selfsigned | TODO |
xmpp.server.certificate.verify | TODO |
xmpp.server.certificate.verify.chain | TODO |
xmpp.server.certificate.verify.root | TODO |
xmpp.server.certificate.verify.validity | TODO |
xmpp.server.compression.policy | TODO |
xmpp.server.dialback.enabled | TODO |
xmpp.server.outgoing.threads | TODO |
xmpp.server.permission | TODO |
xmpp.server.processing.threads | TODO |
| | TODO |
xmpp.server.session.allowmultiple | TODO |
xmpp.server.session.idle | TODO |
xmpp.server.session.timeout | TODO |
| | TODO |
xmpp.server.socket.port | TODO |
xmpp.server.socket.remotePort | TODO |
xmpp.server.tls.enabled | TODO |
xmpp.session.conflict-limit | TODO |
xmpp.session.sending-limit | TODO |
| | TODO |
xmpp.socket.plain.port | TODO |
| | TODO |
xmpp.socket.ssl.algorithm | TODO |
xmpp.socket.ssl.keypass | TODO |
xmpp.socket.ssl.keystore | TODO |
xmpp.socket.ssl.port | TODO |
xmpp.socket.ssl.storeType | TODO |
xmpp.socket.ssl.trustpass | TODO |
xmpp.socket.ssl.truststore | TODO |