.map() is designed to both iterate and create a new resulting array.

.each() is designed to be an iterator (no new array created).

Either will work for plain iteration, though I would argue that the intent of your code is clearer if you are just doing an iteration if you use .each() since that is its intended and only purpose.

As for functionality differences besides the creation of the array, jQuery's .each() allows you to terminate the iteration by returning false from the callback. jQuery's .map() does not have a way to terminate the iteration.

source -  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22519351/jquery-each-vs-map-without-return

Posted by linuxism

- master 프로젝트를 복사하여 다른 이름으로 새로운 프로젝트 생성(copy & paste)

- 새로운 프로젝트 > Team > Switch To > New Branch 선택

- Source Select에서 Remote Tracking origin/master 선택 후 branch명 입력 후 finish

- Team > Push Branch "branch명"에서 Destination Branch 항목에서 master를 branch명으로 수정 후 next 하여 remote repository에 branch 등록

- 복사로 인해 local repository 에서 master 삭제(git branch -d master)

- 생성한 branch가 불필요해진 경우 branch 삭제 명령 git push origin :branch명

'IDE & Build > Git' 카테고리의 다른 글

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git - eclipse에서 현재 프로젝트를 git으로 공유  (0) 2015.04.26
Posted by linuxism

RUN echo $'All of your\n\
multiline that you ever wanted\n\
into a dockerfile\n'\
>> /etc/example.conf

source - https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/1799

Posted by linuxism