Can't make svn store password, even though the configuration is set to allow it

With recent versions of Subversion (~ 1.8) you can configure password caching via $HOME/.subversion/servers:

store-passwords = yes
store-plaintext-passwords = yes

But depending on your system this may be not enough. If it is not, make sure that $HOME/.subversion/config contains:

password-stores =

Which means that the variable password-stores is explicitly set to the empty string (background is that svn now contains support for some key-agent tools - and the interfacing to the default configured ones may be fragile - resulting in silent ignoring of the above options and non-caching behaviour).

When using svn for the first time, the hierachy $HOME/.subversion is created after the first svn operation - e.g. when doing the first checkout. Subversion creates then the mentioned files and fills them with the most important options - commented out, including some documentation.

Thus, it also makes sense to move an old $HOME/.subversion directory away to have a well-defined starting point.

Another pitfall are permissions - i.e. files which are not readable under $HOME/.subversion - but this should not often be the problem, because when svn creates them, it takes care of the right permissions (e.g. the auth directory is only readable by the user then, not by the group/all, independent of the configured umask).

source -

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Posted by linuxism