Maven repository for Google-Cloud-Messaging server library

This permits to manage the Google GCM library with Maven. The gcm-server.jar provided with the Android SDK, used by servers to send push notification to Android devices, is not hosted in any official Maven repository. This is why a created this personal repository. The library has a dependency (simple-json) which is handled in the pom i've written.


Add the repository to your maven configuration:


And then add the dependency


If you build your client with Android you can also add the client dependency, thanks to cjbest:


I've only deployed the 1.0.2 version, which is the version i've found in the ant script associated with the gcm-server sources.


If you need another version, of gcm-server which is not already hosted on this server, don't hesitate to create a pull request.

You can see everything i've used here:

  • The source and jar files
  • The pom
  • A script to install the files to your local maven repository

The pom is required to handle the dependency of the project (simple-json 1.1 here). The script deploys files to ~/.m2/repository/com/google/android/gcm/gcm-server/1.0.2/ You just need to copy this files in your gcm-server-repository/releases/com/google/android/gcm/gcm-server/1.0.2/ and create your pull request

How to build your own Github repository:


This repository respects the Apache License distribution rules. No original files were modified

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Posted by linuxism