fedora - how to add an application to the favorites bar in gnome in fedora 18(즐겨찾기 바에 아이콘 추가)
In fedora 17 when an application is running, you can pin it to the favourites bar (left side by default), this menu item is no longer available after I did the upgraded to fedora 18, the running applications appears in the favourite bar but I can't add them, The option to remove them is available however.
1-first, you must create a "desktop" file in this path: /usr/share/applications
for example : touch /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
2-open the file with an editor like vim
vim /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
then write this parameters in the file:(for example I want to add Eclipse launcher)
[Desktop Entry]
Comment= "write your comment"
Icon=the icon path ,something like /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm
Exec=the execution command ,something like /opt/eclipse/eclipse
Categories=write categories like : Development;IDE;Java;
then save the changes.
3-now you must add execution permission to the file using this command :
chmod +x /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
then ,this application is been added to Application bar and you can add it to favorites bar.
source - https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/24832/how-to-add-an-application-to-the-favorites-bar-in-gnome-in-fedora-18/