What are the open-source alternatives of JIRA?
open source issue and bug tracking software
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closed as not constructive by Kev Sep 26 '11 at 15:22
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44 | There is an excellent overview (and comparison) on wikipedia. You might have a look therehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_issue-tracking_systems Francis | ||
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6 | Mantis and Redmine to name a few others. RedMine is really nice as it integrates with version control as well. | ||
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5 | You can find here a list of open source issue and bug tracking software | ||
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3 | Bugzilla is a very active open source alternative http://www.bugzilla.org/about/ | ||||||||
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are the ones that are worth mentioning which integrate well with svn and some tools (Basically giving out an XML RPC extension point). | ||||||||||||
0 | A commercial JIRA license gives you the full source for JIRA. Such licenses start at $10. Or is there some other reason you need open-source? | ||||||||||||||||||||
출처 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4141061/opensource-jira-alternatives