
Fancybox not working

linuxism 2014. 1. 6. 09:59

This href="" doesn't say to fancybox that you are opening animage so you either :

1). add the fancybox.image special class to your link like

<a class="cta-nav-hover fancybox fancybox.image" href="" title="Bio"><span></span></a>

2). add the (HTML5) data-fancybox-type attribute to your link like

<a data-fancybox-type="image" href="" title="Bio" class="cta-nav-hover fancybox"><span></span></a>

3). add the type option to your fancybox script like

   type: "image"

whatever you think works better for your case.

NOTE: numbers 1). and 2). above work for fancybox v2.x only. Number 3). works for either v1.3.4 and v2.x

EDIT : included a JSFIDDLE with your code and jQuery v1.8.3.

There are two links :

  • one using "fancybox.image" class : working
  • other without : not working
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Ohhhh Okay that makes sense! And what if i wanted to display html content in the pop up? Is there a specified type for that too? –  Evan Jul 9 '13 at 18:19
Hmm, I still can't get it to work with any of those options. i have jquery 1.8.3, is that too old for fancybox? – Evan Jul 9 '13 at 18:27
@Evan jQuery 1.8.3 is OK, what version of fancybox? –  JFK Jul 9 '13 at 18:59 
its 2.1.5 maybe I called it into the head incorrectly, let me edit my question to display what I have called into the head. –  Evan Jul 10 '13 at 14:45 
@Evan : here is working with data-fancybox-type attribute (requires HTML5 DOCTYPE) and not fancybox.image class. –  JFK Jul 10 '13 at 15:56 
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