
linux - rsh set up in fedora

linuxism 2013. 12. 8. 17:08

(fedora) Re: how to setup rsh(d) on FC4

Alexander Apprich a.apprich at 
Wed Feb 8 08:39:36 UTC 2006

Hi Jouk,

Jacob (=Jouk) Jansen wrote:
> John Summerfied <debian at> wrote on 8-FEB-2006 00:08:28.47
>>Jacob (=Jouk) Jansen wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>I try to get the rsh command working to a FC4 system
>>The mandatory question, "Why?"
>>rsh is inherently insecure. For most purposes ssh is supperior (and not 
>>just for security), so why use rsh?
> I know, but...
>    I want to setup an automated procedure on my openVMS machine to perform
> tasks on the FC4 machine. rsh on VMS allows me to give username/password on
> the command line. ssh does not allow me to do that and when I try to read
> the password from anythink else than the keyboard it crashes. (I do not like
> to sit 24 hours a day at my computer).
>   I will try to do this only for machines on the the same local network
> (actually on the same switch panel) so that the big advantage off the
> encryption of ssh versus rsh is not a big issue.

I didn't catch the whole thread...

first make sure you have rsh-server rpm installed

  root at elmstreet / # rpm -qa | grep rsh-server

and xinetd is installed

  root at elmstreet / # rpm -qa | grep xinet

second edit /etc/xinetd.d/rsh and change disable=yes to disable=no

third edit /etc/securetty and add a line with rsh

fourth restart xinetd service w/

   service xinetd restart



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