
mongodb - binary data(type) 저장

linuxism 2013. 6. 18. 11:05

Data Type Fidelity

JSON does not have the following data types that exist in BSON documents: data_binarydata_datedata_timestampdata_regex,data_oid and data_ref. As a result using any tool that decodes BSON documents into JSON will suffer some loss of fidelity.

If maintaining type fidelity is important, consider writing a data import and export system that does not force BSON documents into JSON form as part of the process. The following list of types contain examples for how MongoDB will represent how BSON documents render in JSON.

  • data_binary

    { "$binary" : "<bindata>", "$type" : "<t>" }

    <bindata> is the base64 representation of a binary string. <t> is the hexadecimal representation of a single byte indicating the data type.

  • data_date

    Date( <date> )

    <date> is the JSON representation of a 64-bit signed integer for milliseconds since epoch.

  • data_timestamp

    Timestamp( <t>, <i> )

    <t> is the JSON representation of a 32-bit unsigned integer for milliseconds since epoch. <i> is a 32-bit unsigned integer for the increment.

  • data_regex


    <jRegex> is a string that may contain valid JSON characters and unescaped double quote (i.e. ") characters, but may not contain unescaped forward slash (i.e. /) characters. <jOptions> is a string that may contain only the characters gim, and s.

  • data_oid

    ObjectId( "<id>" )

    <id> is a 24 character hexadecimal string. These representations require that data_oid values have an associated field named “_id.”

  • data_ref

    DBRef( "<name>", "<id>" )

    <name> is a string of valid JSON characters. <id> is a 24 character hexadecimal string.

출처 - http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/import-export/#bson-json-type-conversion-fidelity

Should I use GridFS or binary data to store & retrieve images from MongoDB?

I was wondering which is better/faster:

  1. Having a separate collection of documents that just contain the image saved as binary data, and possibly some metadata.
  2. Or using GridFS to store the images.
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If your images are small you can store them as binary data in the documents in your collection. Just consider that you will be retrieving them every time you query your document (unless you exclude the 'image' field from your queries).

However, if your images are larger I would use GridFS. GridFS has some features that make it very good at handling images that you should consider:

  • For larger images, when they are stored in GridFs they will be split in chunks and you can store very large files. If you try to store images in your document, you are constrained by the 16Mb max size of a document, and you are consuming space that needs to be used for your actual document.
  • You can add metadata to the image itself and run queries against these attributes, as if you were doing it from a regular document in a collection. So GridFS is as good as a document for metadata about the image.
  • I really like that I get MD5 hash calculated on the images. (It is very useful for some of my cases).
  • By storing images in GridFS you save yourself the preprocessing of the image into binary format (not a big deal, but a convenience of GridFS)

In terms of performance, reading/writing against a regular document should be no different than doing it against GridFS. I would not consider performance to be a differentiator in choosing either one.

My personal recommendation is to go with GridFS, but you need to analyze for your particular use case.

Hope this helps.

출처 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7806674/should-i-use-gridfs-or-binary-data-to-store-retrieve-images-from-mongodb