
linux - vino-server control


linux - vino-server control

linuxism 2013. 5. 20. 10:05

HOWTO: Enable and control the gnome VNC vino-server from an SSH connection

NOTE: At long last here's the updated method. This was tested between two Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick hosts. Thanks to all the contributors to this thread, especially the posts by frafu and InkyDinky

user@localbox:~$ ssh -Y user@remotebox
user@remotebox:~$ vino-preferences

# check settings and hit close button
user@remotebox:~$ sudo -s
root@remotebox:~# export DISPLAY=:0.0
root@remotebox:~# xhost +
root@remotebox:~# /usr/lib/vino/vino-server &
# to start the vino server
root@remotebox:~# netstat -nl | grep 5900 
# check to make sure vino server is listening on port 5900
exit or CTRL-D twice to close SSH session to remotebox

user@localbox:~$ ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 user@remotebox
# establish a new SSH connection to remotebox w/forwarded VNC port
# launch Remote Desktop Viewer (vinagre) under Applications => Internet and connect to localhost
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