OpenSource/Collaboration Software

Business intelligence tools

linuxism 2013. 3. 25. 20:51

Business intelligence tools are a type of application software designed to retrieve, analyze and report data. The tools generally read data that have been previously stored, often, though not necessarily, in a data warehouse or data mart.



[edit]Types of business intelligence tools

The key general categories of business intelligence tools are:

Except for spreadsheets, these tools are sold as standalone tools, suites of tools, components of ERP systems, or as components of software targeted to a specific industry. The tools are sometimes packaged into data warehouse appliances.

[edit]Open source free products

[edit]Open source commercial products

  • Jaspersoft: Reporting, Dashboards, Data Analysis, and Data Integration
  • Palo (OLAP database): OLAP Server, Worksheet Server and ETL Server
  • Pentaho: Reporting, analysis, dashboard, data mining and workflow capabilities
  • TACTIC: Reporting, analysis, dashboard, data mining and integration, workflow capabilities

[edit]Proprietary free products

[edit]Proprietary products


[edit]External links

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