Computer Science/Common

AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)

linuxism 2012. 12. 9. 04:00

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol ( AMQP )는 메시지 지향 미들웨어 의 오픈 표준 응용 프로그램 계층 프로토콜이다.

AMQP 기능의 정의는 메시지 지향 대기열, 라우팅 ( 포인트 투 포인트 , 출판 - 구독 모델 ), 신뢰성, 보안에 이른다.

AMQP는 메시징 공급자 (서버)와 클라이언트에 HTTP 등의 방법처럼 다른 벤더 간의 원활한 상호 운용 할 수있는 행동을 요구한다.

이전에도 API 수준에서 미들웨어를 표준화하려는 시도가 있었지만, 상호 운용성을 이끌어 낼 수는 없었다. 단순히 API를 정의한 JMS 와 달리 AMQP는 회선 프로토콜이다.

회선 프로토콜은 네트워크를 통해 옥텟 스트림으로 전송되는 데이터 포맷의 설명이다. 따라서 구현 언어에 독립적으로 프로토콜에 따른 도구 간의 상호 운용되는 형식의 메시지라면 어떤 도구도 생성 · 번역이 가능하다.

The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security.[1]

AMQP mandates the behaviour of the messaging provider and client to the extent that implementations from different vendors are truly interoperable, in the same way as SMTP, HTTP, FTP, etc. have created interoperable systems. Previous attempts to standardize middleware have happened at the API level (e.g. JMS) and thus did not ensure interoperability.[2] Unlike JMS, which merely defines an API, AMQP is a wire-level protocol. A wire-level protocol is a description of the format of the data that is sent across the network as a stream of octets. Consequently any tool that can create and interpret messages that conform to this data format can interoperate with any other compliant tool irrespective of implementation language.




AMQP is a binary, application layer protocol, designed to efficiently support a wide variety of messaging applications and communication patterns. It provides flow controlled,[3] message-oriented communication with reliability guarantees such as at-most-once, at-least-one and exactly-once[clarify],[4] and authentication and/or encryption based on SASL and/or TLS.[5] It assumes an underlying reliable transport layer protocol such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).[6]

The AMQP specification is defined in several layers: (i) a type system, (ii) a symmetric, asynchronous protocol for the transfer of messages from one process to another, (iii) a standard, extensible message format and (iv) a set of standardised but extensible 'messaging capabilities'.


AMQP was originated in 2003 by John O'Hara at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in London, UK. From the beginning AMQP was conceived as a co-operative open effort. Initial development was by JPMorgan Chase & Co. from mid-2004 to mid-2006 who contracted iMatix Corporation for a C broker and protocol documentation.[note 1]In 2005 JPMorgan Chase & Co. approached other firms to form a working group that included Cisco SystemsIONA Technologies, iMatix, Red Hat, and TWIST. In the same year JPMorgan Chase & Co. partnered with Red Hat to create Apache Qpid, initially in Java and soon after C++. Independently, RabbitMQ was developed in Erlang by Rabbit Technologies, followed later by the Microsoft and StormMQ implementations.

The working group grew to 23 companies including Bank of AmericaBarclaysCisco SystemsCredit SuisseDeutsche Börse SystemsGoldman Sachs, HCL Technologies Ltd, Progress Software, IIT Software, INETCO Systems, Informatica Corporation (incl. 29 West), JPMorgan Chase Bank Inc. N.A, Microsoft Corporation, my-Channels, NovellRed Hat, Inc.Software AGSolace SystemsStormMQTervela Inc., TWIST Process Innovations ltd, VMware (incl. Rabbit Technologies) andWSO2.

In August 2011, AMQP working group announced its reorganization into an OASIS member section.[9]

AMQP 1.0 was released by the AMQP Working Group on 30 October 2011, at a conference in New York. At the event Microsoft, Red Hat, VMware, Apache, INETCO and IIT Software demonstrated software running the protocol in an interoperability demonstration. The next day, on 1 November 2011, the formation of an OASISTechnical Committee was announced[10] to advance this contributed AMQP version 1.0 through the international open standards process. The first draft from OASIS was released in February 2012,[11] the changes as compared to that published by the Working Group being restricted to edits for improved clarity (no functional changes). The second draft was released for public review on 20 June (again with no functional changes),[12] and AMQP was approved as an OASIS standard on the 31st October, 2012.[13]

Previous versions of AMQP were 0-8, published in June 2006, 0-9, published in December 2006, 0-10 published in February 2008[14] and 0-9-1, published in November 2008. These earlier releases are significantly different from the final 1.0 specification that emerged. However existing implementations may continue to support these earlier versions alongside 1.0.

Whilst AMQP originated in the financial services industry, it has general applicability to a broad range of middleware problems.

[edit]Type System

AMQP defines a self-describing encoding scheme allowing interoperable representation of a wide range of commonly used types. It also allows typed data to be annotated with additional meaning.[15] The example given in the specification is indicating a particular string value is in fact to be understood as a URL. Likewise a map value containing key-value pairs for 'name', 'address' etc., might be annotated as being of representation of a 'customer' type.

The type-system is used to define a message format allowing standard and extended meta-data to be expressed and understood by processing entities. It is also used to define the communication primitives through which messages are exchanged between such entities, i.e. the AMQP frame bodies.

[edit]AMQP Performatives and the Link Protocol

The basic unit of data in AMQP is a frame. There are nine AMQP frame bodies defined that are used to initiate, control and tear down the transfer of messages between two peers. These are:

  • open
  • begin
  • attach
  • transfer
  • flow
  • disposition
  • detach
  • end
  • close

The link protocol is at the heart of AMQP.

An attach frame body is sent to initiate a new link; a detach to tear down a link. Links may be established in order to receive or send messages.

Messages are sent over an established link using the transfer frame. Messages on a link flow in only one direction.

Transfers are subject to a credit based flow control scheme, managed using flow frames. This allows a process to protect itself from being overwhelmed by too large a volume of messages or more simply to allow a subscribing link to pull messages as and when desired.[16]

Each transferred message must eventually be settled. Settlement ensures that the sender and receiver agree on the state of the transfer, providing reliability guarantees. Changes in state and settlement for a transfer (or set of transfers) are communicated between the peers using the disposition frame. Various reliability guarantees can be enforced this way: at-most-once, at-least-once and exactly-once.[17]

Multiple links, in both directions, can be grouped together in a session. A session is a bidirectional, sequential conversation between two peers that is initiated with a begin frame and terminated with an end frame. A connection between two peers can have multiple sessions multiplexed over it, each logically independent. Connections are initiated with an open frame in which the sending peer's capabilities are expressed, and terminated with a close frame.

[edit]Message Format

AMQP defines as the bare message, that part of the message that is created by the sending application. This is considered immutable as the message is transferred between one or more processes.

Ensuring the message as sent by the application is immutable allows for end-to-end message signing and/or encryption and ensures that any integrity checks (e.g. hashes or digests) remain valid. The message can be annotated by intermediaries during transit, but any such annotations are kept distinct from the immutable bare message. Annotations may be added before or after the bare message.

The header is a standard set of delivery related annotations that can be requested or indicated for a message and includes time to live, durability, priority.[18]

The bare message itself is structured as an optional list of standard properties (message id, user id, creation time, reply to, subject, correlation id, group id etc.), an optional list of application-specific properties (i.e. extended properties) and a body (which AMQP refers to as application data).[19]

Properties are specified in the AMQP type system, as are annotations. The application data can be of any form, and in any encoding the application chooses. One option is to use the AMQP type system to send structured, self-describing data.

[edit]Messaging Capabilities

The link protocol transfers messages between two nodes but assumes very little as to what those nodes are or how they are implemented.

A key category is those nodes used as a rendezvous point between senders and receivers of messages (e.g. queues or topics). The AMQP specification calls such nodes distribution nodes and codifies some common behaviours.[20]

This includes:

  • some standard outcomes for transfers, through which receivers of messages can for example accept or reject messages [21]
  • a mechanism for indicating or requesting one of the two basic distribution patterns, competing- and non-competing- consumers, through the distribution modesmove and copy respectively [22]
  • the ability to create nodes on-demand,[23][24] e.g. for temporary response queues
  • the ability to refine the set of message of interest to a receiver through filters [25]

Though AMQP can be used in simple peer-to-peer systems, defining this framework for messaging capabilities additionally enables interoperability with messaging intermediaries (brokers, bridges etc.) in larger, richer messaging networks. The framework specified covers basic behaviours but allows for extensions to evolve that can be further codified and standardised.


[edit]AMQP 1.0 Broker Implementations

[edit]Not yet AMQP 1.0 Broker Implementations

[edit]Client Implementations

[edit]Comparable specifications

These are the known open protocol specifications that cover the same or similar space as AMQP:

  • STOMP, a text-based protocol developed at Codehaus; uses the JMS-like semantics of 'destination'.
  • XMPP, the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol.
  • MQTT, MQ Telemetry Transport, a lightweight pub-sub protocol.
  • OpenWire as used by ActiveMQ.

Earlier versions of AMQP, published prior to the release of 1.0 (see History above) and significantly different from it, include:

There has not yet been a formal comparison of these and other protocols in the same space. An informal comparison of XMPP and AMQP may be found here.

JMS, the Java messaging service, is often compared to AMQP. However, JMS is an API specification (part of the Java EE specification) that defines how message producers and consumers are implemented. JMS does not guarantee interoperability between implementations, and the JMS-compliant messaging system in use may need to be deployed on both client and server. On the other hand, AMQP is a wire-level protocol specification. In theory AMQP provides interoperability as different AMQP-compliant software can be deployed on the client and server sides. Note that, like HTTP and XMPP, AMQP does not have a standard API.

[edit]See also


  1. ^ In 2010 iMatix discontinued their AMQP implementation, OpenAMQ,[7] and resigned from the AMQP working group.[8]


  1. ^ O'Hara, J. (2007). "Toward a commodity enterprise middleware"Acm Queue 5 (4): 48–55. doi:10.1145/1255421.1255424.
  2. ^ Vinoski, S. (2006). "Advanced Message Queuing Protocol"Ieee Internet Computing 10 (6): 87–89. doi:10.1109/MIC.2006.116.
  3. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, sections 2.6.7-2.6.8". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  4. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, sections 2.6.12-2.6.13". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  5. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 5.1". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  6. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 2.1". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  7. ^ "iMatix will end OpenAMQ support by 2011"Announcement on OpenAMQ user list. Retrieved 12 July 2012.
  8. ^ "Resignation from the AMQP workgroup"Announcement on AMQP Working Group email list. Retrieved 12 July 2012.
  9. ^ AMQP Working Group Transitions to OASIS Member Section
  10. ^ OASIS Forms AMQP Technical Committee to Advance Business Messaging Interoperability Within Middleware, Mobile, and Cloud Environments
  11. ^ "30-day Public Review for OASIS AMQP Version 1.0". 21 February 2012. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  12. ^ "15 day Public Review for OASIS AMQP Version 1.0". 20 June 2012. Retrieved 20 June 2012.
  13. ^ "AMQP 1.0 Becomes OASIS Standard". 31 October 2012. Retrieved 1 November 2012.
  14. ^ "AMQP PMC Meeting Minutes 13th February, 2008"AMQP PMC Minutes. AMQP Working Group. Retrieved 15 June 2012.
  15. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 1.1". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  16. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 2.6.7-2.6.9". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  17. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 2.6.12-2.6.14". AMQP WorkingGroup. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  18. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 3.2.1". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  19. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 3.2". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  20. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 3.3". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 15 June 2012.
  21. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 3.4". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  22. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 3.5.2". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  23. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 3.5.3". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  24. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 3.5.4". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  25. ^ "OASIS AMQP version 1.0, section 3.5.1". OASIS AMQP Technical Committee. Retrieved 18 June 2012.
  26. ^ "AMQP 0-9-1 Model Explained". VMWare, Inc.. Retrieved 1 November 2012.

[edit]External links

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